
Esther (Heron)

Whats your background in clay?

I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Ceramics.  My focus is on wheel thrown wares and on the form of a piece.  My preference for firing is cone 10 reduction, but I also enjoy the process of atmospheric firing such as soda or wood-firing.  I have participated in in shows and sales throughout Atlanta

What interested you in trying clay?

I have always loved to work with my hands.  I think initially there was something refreshing and fun about making art out of clay.  It is a very grounding process in that you will get dirty, there is a lot of trial and error, you understand what you did wrong and then you improve.  The challenge of making something better than the time before becomes an obsession.  

What do you like to make?

I love throwing on the wheel.  There isn’t a particular shape or form that’s a favorite, but I do like making functional pieces and envisioning a person using it and it being enjoyed.  I don’t want to make something just to look at.  I want it to be used.  I feel like making functional work is kind of like making an indirect connection with a person.

What do you like about teaching?

Teaching is fun!  I love meeting all the different personalities and types of people.  As much as I share and teach my skills to my students, they share their ideas and knowledge with me back- it’s a two way street and it helps keep me in the loop with what is going on in the world.  My students are the best!

Beau (Hawk)

What is your background in Clay?

I began working with Clay in 2000 as an art major at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, LA and received my B.A. in 2004. I attended the University of Florida 2005-2008 were I received my MFA. I then relocated to Roswell, GA as a resident artist at Roswell Clay West. During my residency I was privileged to teach Adult Clay Classes as well as beginning ceramics and 3D design at Georgia State University and Kennesaw State University. I managed the Johns Creek Arts Centers Clay Studio for 11 years. I continue to look for new opportunities through exhibitions and workshops while teaching figurative and handbuiliding classes.

After 23 years of working with clay I am excited to have our own studio to continue and share our passion for clay.

What interested you in trying clay?

I loved drawing as a kid, it was an escape and I would also collect mud from crawfish homes and sculpt them. I love the feel of clay and manipulating it from a block to a figure. I was also drawn to the functional nature of clay as beer steins and mugs to share with friends and family. Clay is a Chameleon medium that can look like many other materials.

What do you like to make?

I really enjoy making figurative sculptures. I am a child of the 1980’s. All the cartoons and toys I had as a kid directly influences all dmy work. I enjoy creating characters of myself.

Aside from figures I take breaks to create cups. I enjoy making cups for people to use and enjoy. There sometimes something uniquely spiritual to make a cup and see someone use it and enjoy it.

What do you like about teaching?

I like sharing all my knowledge and passion for clay with my students. It is always amazing to see students grow and explore the clay medium. I love the community we create through clay.

But most importantly I love the joy a piece of clay can bring to someone and their excitement with successful outcomes.

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